SpacePointe Ltd. Apps

PointePay POS 2.2
PointePay is a mobile point of-sale (POS) application designed toenable sales and overall Business Management. It is more than justpayments. With PointePay, you can manage your entire business evenacross stores and sales reps. This is a completely mobile solutionwhere you do not need a desktop computer or additional software tomanage your business. With PointePay, your entire experience is onyour mobile device so that you can monitor and manage your businessfrom anywhere and at any time. PointePay makes business managementsimple enough for you to focus on other aspects of your business.You are able to see top sales reps, top selling products and othertypes of reports that give your visibility into your business.Inventory, customer and employee management are all includedfeatures. With PointePay, your business is made simple and you makemore money because you see things clearly and know where to makeadjustments. Its that simple! Transform to a Point of Service WithPointePay, you are able to track all sales (not just cardtransactions), manage your inventory, employees and marketingcampaigns. PointePay transforms your business to a "Point ofService" for your customers where you are able to provide yourstandard goods as well as value added services like wirelessrecharge and other types of bill payment services. Stop spendinghours and days trying to balance your books and understand whatwill increase your revenue. PointePay gives you that time back andprovides true visibility into your business, affording you theability to make informed decisions about your business. PointePayis very easy to setup and makes managing your business very simple!Inventory Management & Payment Processing: -- Setup your entireinventory and process cash, debit and credit sale transactions.Employee Management & Personalized Logins -- With PointePay,you will be able to track what your employees are doing on thesystem. Which sales rep or manager processed what transactions andwho are your top and bottom performers. Discount & LoyaltyManagement -- With PointePay, you can give discounts on productsand track them. It automatically is reflected in the sales price.You can do promotional discounts that have time periods: ValentinesSpecial showcasing products at 30% off from Feb 10th ? Feb 14th2016. You can schedule sales and discounts and get detailed reportson performance. Reporting Dashboard -- This is key for managementin that you will be able to get full (digital) visibility into allaspects of your business. Top selling products, employeeperformance and marketing campaigns. Value-added Services -- WithPointePay you have the ability to do wireless recharge and otherbill payments for your customers. This is an additional revenuestream for you. Customer Management -- You can keep track of yourcustomers and offer special discounts just to drive loyalty. WithPointePay you can manage special details about your customers thathelp enhance their purchase experience.
PointePay Revenue Collections 2.8.7
PointePay Collections is designed for Government revenuecollection.
Demand Pointe 1.0
App for govt consultant to deliver demand notices to companies.